INVALID SQL: 1231 : Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'MYSQL40'
INVALID SQL: 1055 : Expression #9 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'sprayequ_sprayequip1.lng_c.value' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
SQL QUERY FAILURE:SELECT xcart_countries.*, lng_c.value as country, lng_l.value as language FROM xcart_languages, xcart_countries LEFT JOIN xcart_languages as lng_c ON = CONCAT('country_', xcart_countries.code) AND lng_c.code = 'US' LEFT JOIN xcart_languages as lng_l ON lng_l.code = 'US' AND = CONCAT('language_', xcart_countries.code) WHERE xcart_languages.code = xcart_countries.code GROUP BY xcart_languages.code ORDER BY xcart_languages.code
INVALID SQL: 1055 : Expression #11 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'sprayequ_sprayequip1.xcart_classes.classid' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
SQL QUERY FAILURE:SELECT xcart_products.productid, xcart_products.provider, IF(xcart_products_lng.productid != '', xcart_products_lng.product, xcart_products.product) as product, xcart_products.productcode, xcart_products.avail, xcart_pricing.price, xcart_quick_prices.variantid, IFNULL(xcart_variants.avail, xcart_products.avail) as avail, IFNULL(xcart_variants.weight, xcart_products.weight) as weight, IFNULL(xcart_variants.productcode, xcart_products.productcode) as productcode, IF(xcart_classes.classid IS NULL,'','Y') as is_product_options, IF(xcart_variants.variantid IS NULL,'','Y') as is_variant, IF( IS NULL, '', 'Y') as is_thumbnail, xcart_images_T.image_path, xcart_product_taxes.taxid FROM xcart_pricing, xcart_products LEFT JOIN xcart_products_lng ON xcart_products.productid = xcart_products_lng.productid AND code = 'US' LEFT JOIN xcart_quick_prices ON xcart_quick_prices.productid = xcart_products.productid AND xcart_quick_prices.membershipid = '0' LEFT JOIN xcart_product_memberships ON xcart_product_memberships.productid = xcart_products.productid LEFT JOIN xcart_classes ON xcart_classes.productid = xcart_products.productid LEFT JOIN xcart_variants ON xcart_variants.productid = xcart_products.productid AND xcart_quick_prices.variantid = xcart_variants.variantid LEFT JOIN xcart_images_T ON = xcart_products.productid LEFT JOIN xcart_product_taxes ON xcart_product_taxes.productid = xcart_products.productid INNER JOIN xcart_products_categories ON xcart_products_categories.productid = xcart_products.productid INNER JOIN xcart_categories ON xcart_categories.categoryid = xcart_products_categories.categoryid AND xcart_categories.avail = 'Y' LEFT JOIN xcart_category_memberships ON xcart_category_memberships.categoryid = xcart_categories.categoryid WHERE (xcart_category_memberships.membershipid = '0' OR xcart_category_memberships.membershipid IS NULL) AND'Y' AND (xcart_product_memberships.membershipid = '0' OR xcart_product_memberships.membershipid IS NULL) AND xcart_quick_prices.priceid = xcart_pricing.priceid AND xcart_products.productid = xcart_products_categories.productid AND xcart_products_categories.categoryid = xcart_categories.categoryid AND xcart_products.productid = xcart_pricing.productid AND xcart_pricing.quantity = '1' AND xcart_pricing.membershipid = '0' AND xcart_products.product_type <> 'C' AND <> 'B' AND (xcart_pricing.variantid = '0' OR xcart_variants.variantid = xcart_pricing.variantid) AND (IFNULL(xcart_variants.avail, xcart_products.avail) > '0' OR xcart_products.product_type NOT IN ('','N')) AND xcart_products_categories.categoryid IN ('250') AND xcart_products.views_stats > '0' AND xcart_products.sales_stats >= '0' GROUP BY xcart_products.productid ORDER BY xcart_products.sales_stats DESC, xcart_products.views_stats DESC LIMIT 5
Spray Equipment Packages :: Paint Gun Extensions
CALL US: 1-888-302-0188

Spray Equipment Packages :: Paint Gun Extensions

Binks and Graco have a complete line of low and high pressure spray gun extensions that let you finish hard to reach areas with ease. We can provide an extension that will evenly coat the interior of pipes as small as ¾” or reach a 12’ soffit. We also offer a range of directional and multihead spray extensions with length to 72”.

Paint Gun Extensions

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